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Modern Osteopathy & Chiropractic Centre

Cranial Osteopathy

In 1939 William Garner Sutherland, Doctor of Osteopathy invented cranial osteopathy.

WG Sutherland, DO (1873-1954) was one of the first students of Dr. A.T. Still, who was the founder of Osteopathy.

In the late 1890s at the American School of Osteopathy , while a student was observing a skull whose bones were slightly separated from their joints. He then had the thought that the flat part of the temporal bone (which is associated with the ear) was designed for movement, “like the gills of fish”.
This was an inspiring moment to begin the philosophy of cranial osteopathy , as a continuation of Dr. Still’s osteopathic philosophy.

At that time the anatomy books had very little to say about cranial bones. So he began decades of research, studying cranial bones and their joints, until he was convinced that they were designed for mobility. He then experimented on his own skull, and after a period of time he began to apply these principles to his patients.

It had remarkable results, relieving a number of problems for which there were no other treatments. After thirty years of developing diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, he began to share his concepts and techniques with other interested osteopaths.
The main premise of osteopathy in the cranial field is the understanding that there is a small but significant movement between all the components of the skull, including the bones and their sutures.

Dr Sutherland concluded that there is a palpable movement within the body that occurs cyclically and affects all the different systems of the body. He called this movement “Primary Breathing” because it was more important and more essential than breathing. Primary respiration was originally described as affecting the movement of the bone pairs in the skull and the movement of the reciprocal tension membranes, which included the entire coverings of the central and peripheral nervous system or dura mater.

Later in his scientific research, Dr Sutherland realised that even body fluids such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and interstitial fluids respond to this tidal effect of primordial breathing.

Also any organ system, peritoneal system or connective tissue system could be evaluated in terms of their ability to respond to the cyclic variation of primary respiration.

This movement is part of a rhythmic movement of body fluids that is vital to the expression of health, including the maximum function of the body’s self-healing system.
A trauma to the head or body can alter or block the normal flow of body fluids, often with dramatic effects on a person’s health and function.

A key trauma that establishes the dysfunction of many developmental processes is birth trauma , where the baby’s skull is affected by repeated compression against a rigid cervix or birth canal or by obstetrician manipulations in a difficult delivery.

Even an almost imperceptible change in the physical configuration of the skull and movement can lead to such disorders as colic, inability to swallow in childhood or later years, inability to breastfeed, chronic ear infections and/or delayed development. Trauma can also lead to back problems, headaches, breathing and digestive disorders, joint pain, menstrual disorders and sinusitis.

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